Diablo Canyon revisited

Life got in the way and there have not been many opportunities to got out and shoot. Unfortunately this is not going to change anytime soon but tonight was an exception and it paid of nicely. The skies, the sunset all played along and allowed me to bring some nice images home. Orange filter and black and white did their job adding a lot of drama to the sky. There are a few more coming later but this is already a nice collection to start with.

A few days before I had to take a short trip to Texas and on the way back I got a stark reminder of the drought and resulting forest fires. This one had just started in Lincoln national forest and looked like someone at the nearby White Sands Missile Range had overshot. One could visually see how the fire’s continuous stream of combustion grew in leaps and bounds.

Lincoln National Forest fire

But even without any fire the drive through the south, the borderland between New Mexico and Texas is bleak, a wasteland but in its very own way absolutely remarkable.

7 responses to “Diablo Canyon revisited”

  1. Nicole Näckel-Birkenfeld Avatar
    Nicole Näckel-Birkenfeld

    Dass Du gerade heute neue wunderschöne Photos online stellst ….. toll!!!! Habe in den letzten Tagen öfter an Dich gedacht. Geht es Dir gut? Schreib mir mal ein update. Wie lebst Du, was machst Du (außer wirklich großartiger Photos). Wie geht es deinen Kindern, Deiner Frau? Wie beeinflusst COVID-19 Dein Leben? Kuss und Umarmung aus der alten Heimat Nicole

    Beste Grüße Nicole Näckel-Birkenfeld Mobil 0151/16408555



  2. wo bist du denn da rumgeschlichen?


    1. Google mal, Diablo Canyon Santa Fe wirst du schon finden.


  3. The Diablo Canyon series is wonderful.
    Having recently taken the bumpy road to the canyon,I really enjoyed your images.
    Is it possible to view them…in person?
    Nina Morrow.


    1. Printing will happen once I retire. But you can email me at matthias_pfau@hotmail.com, happy to share high res originals if you want to print them.


  4. Beautiful, I’ve always felt like B&W was a true art form. Your photos are great! Good composition.

    Amazing what a red filter can do!


  5. What a great set: fantastic skies, great light, grand scenery, dramatic skies and terrific composition. Outstanding.


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